Halloween during a pandemic is scary. But the scariest thing is taking a risk, making change in ones life.
This will be the final TACTICAL STREAM @ TBG in this location on 616 E9th St. between Ave’s B & C in NYC. I have been on East 9th Street for 18 years and had my studio/gallery on 616 East 9th Street for over a decade. I will miss my spot on the block but TBG is where ever I create and concoct.
BEING TWO my first performance with my son, 2015
I have done 10 performances at TBG and the first one with my son Sparrow!
I am not a gallerist nor bussiness woman, I am an artist and thinker. My roots in painterly figuration exploded, to then mature in abstraction. At my core I am action painter. Always, contemplating my process to then choreograph to be performance. I am an action painter who believes all artists, all people need to be in action to stimulate social-change.
THE MEASURE OF MAN, 2010 PIC-RainerHosch
TBG on E9th has been a sweet spot for making my own work but also for bringing artists together to develop our activist voices. Most small businesses are loosing the fight to stay afloat during this Pandemic. As artist, sole proprietor - lease holder, who questions the ethics of being involved in capitalism, paying rent feels like paying a dealer. In the past 6 months I as I try not slip further behind, I have been been paying full monthly rent, plus a little more so to chip away at my arrears. I have been desperate to make rent like a junky over a fix. And I question more and more how can criticize the system to invoke change when I am a party to it.
DUST TO DUST, 2011 @ TBG PIC-Rainer hosch
Dee Dee Maucher looking at Theresa perform Feb 2020
Opened in 2006, Grace Exhibition Space is devoted exclusively to Performance Art. Offering an opportunity to experience visceral and challenging works by the current generation of international performance artists, dissolving the boundary between artist and viewer, our mission is the glorification of performance art.
Grace, n. - simple elegance or refinement of movement
Grace Period - an extended period granted as a special favor
The Three Graces (Greek Mythology) - charm, grace, and beauty.
Grace Exhibition Space is a 810 sq. Foot raw space with 13ft ceilings. My work there will explore the close relationship my painting has with performance art. I am developing to use biodegradable, earth friendly materials and welcome people to view my live performances/painting (will be live streaming every Tuesday night at 5pm)
FRESH @ TBG 2019 PIC -Peter Matra
After over a decade of TBG on 9th St. NYC, I take the the fight gloves off and move on to bigger, brighter and better ways of creating, inspiring & sharing. Consider helping me through this end to TBG so I roll smoothly to the next chapter - artist in residence at GRACE EXHIBITiON SPACE, until May 2021.